A live 8-week group coaching program to heal womb blockages, master self-healing, and connect with your spirit baby so that you can take back your fertility journey and become the mother you’re destined to be—without endless doctor visits or procedures.
Who is the Make A Baby Headquarters for? 

Women who have been struggling with infertility for too long and are fed up with the waiting game.

Women who are exhausted by the anxiety of uncertainty and crave to heal themselves once and for all. 

 Women who want to connect emotionally and spiritually with their baby before conception.

Women who are tired of feeling triggered by stress and disappointment every time their period arrives.

 Women who know they are destined to break ancestral trauma and become the mothers they’ve always dreamed of being.

I created this powerful healing program because I was you. I longed to be a mother. I wanted nothing more than to give my husband a child of our own, to experience pregnancy, and to feel a deep spiritual connection with my baby as they grew in my womb.

I became certified in Kundalini Reiki to heal myself and become an emotionally regulated, present mother. I healed my childhood traumas so they wouldn’t influence my parenting. I wanted to be in control of my energy, live abundantly, and embrace my feminine energy to live in peace and alignment. 

Let this program be your path to healing, so you can step into the mother you’re destined to be.created this amazing healing program because I was you. I became certified in Kundalini Reiki  

When you join Make A Baby Headquarters you will get: 

This life changing program will teach you how to do Reiki on yourself, your womb, and future baby to eliminate your stress, fears, and anxiety in your fertility journey! We will meet every Saturday at 9:30AM CST!

8 live group Reiki womb healing calls 

Self-healing activation to heal your anxiety, stress, and triggers in real time 

 Support in a dedicated Group Telegram Channel dedicated to your communication

Private podcast delivering each week's lesson

 Lifetime Access to call replays 

Our Womb Blockages we will be healing each week: 

Week 1: Welcome Call & Kundalini Reiki Levels 1 & 2 Attunements

Week 2: Connection & Relationship to Self 

Week 3: Inner Child Wound 

Week 4: Spirit Baby Connection 

 Week 5: Conception & Birth Wounds 

 Week 6: Mother and Father Wounds 

Week 7: Pleasure & Powers Wounds

Week 8: Miracle Maker Womb Activation

How Reiki Helped Them Conceive!
Mom to 3 Reiki Babies

I had gone through pregnancy losses, and I was lost. While working with Carolina, healing my womb, I can say that I am seven weeks pregnant. It helped me, it help me heal, help me heal my past losses, forgive, and move forward.

Mom to 1 Reiki Baby Boy

After years of infertility and multiple doctors, Carolina helped me rediscover my happiness and inner strength by healing through reiki. After one year, with Carolina’s support combined with my IVF treatment, I conceived my miracle baby with our one and only embryo.

When You Sign Up Today, You Get All of This...

8 live group Reiki womb healing calls Self-healing activation to heal your anxiety, stress, and triggers in real time  (Value $5,000)

 Support in a dedicated Group Telegram Channel dedicated to your communication (Value PRICELESS)

 Private podcast delivering each week's lesson. This delivery method is a client favorite to uplevel and learn. (Value $1,000)

Lifetime Access to call replays inside the Thrivecart portal. (Value PRICESLESS)

 GIFT #1 - One-on-One Spirit Baby Messages Session: A private 30-minute session to receive divine messages from your spirit baby. (Value $500) 

 GIFT #2 - Past Life Healing Activation Recording: Access to a powerful session to clear karma or fertility trauma from your past lives and remove energetic blockages that could be impacting your fertility journey. (Value $1,000) 

 GIFT #3Ancestral Healing Activation Recording: Break free from generational patterns and heal trauma passed down through your lineage so that it ends with you and is not passed on to your baby. (Value $1,500) 


GIFT #4 - Ho'oponopono Womb Healing Recording: A powerful healing practice to keep your womb open and aligned, releasing emotional blockages and clearing the path for conception. Heal deeply by forgiving, letting go, and creating space for new life. (Value $2,000)

 GIFT #5 Make A Baby Headquarters Workbook: Over 150 pages packed with invaluable resources, tools, and practices to guide you on your fertility journey. (Value $2,000)

 GIFT #6 - Kundalini Reiki 1 & 2 Manual: Learn the sacred Reiki symbols, how to practice Reiki, and perform womb healing specifically for fertility, empowering you to heal yourself, your baby, and others. (Value $1,000)

($13,000 Value)

Join Today for $497

Contact information

Billing address

There are no refunds. There are no results guaranteed. No pregnancy is guaranteed. This membership will provide Reiki for emotional and spiritual support for your fertility journey.

Reiki is not a replacement for proper medical care. Please seek medical treatment from your doctor for any illness or conditions you may have.


I agree
By checking this box, you agree to pay the full amount of the selected payment plan. Payments are due in full, regardless of participation or attendance. No refunds or transfers.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full$497.00
  • Preferred option
    2 Installment Payment Plan (2x $248.50)2x $248.50
  • Preferred option
    5 Installment Payment Plan (5x $114.00)5x $114.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Make A Baby Headquarters 8-Week Cohort$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xMake A Baby Headquarters 8-Week Cohort$0

All prices in USD


Frequently Asked Questions
  • Do you want guarantee I'll conceive?
    We do not guarantee you will conceive. We do guarantee to meet you where you are at on every call and session you show up for. The womb work you do in this program has the potential to last your entire life.
  • How do I know if this is for me?
    Do you like knowing you are healing your body and boosting your fertility with an expert fertility womb healer? I thought so. In all seriousness, if you are someone wanting to optimize your fertility treatments and remove physiological blockages from their womb, this is for you.
  • Can I cancel anytime?
    When you are accepted into this program, you are given a coveted spot and based on your committment to complete the program. You can choose to leave the program at any time, but you wll be expected to complete your payments as agreed upon.
  • How much time does this program require?
    This program has a live group healing call for weekly for 60 to 90 minutes. You will also a weekly podcast with the lesson's teachings to listen to and homework to do prior to our call.
  • Is this program refundable?
    This program is not refundable or transferable.
  • Is there any one on one support?
    You will have the opportunity to purchase one on one Reiki sessions at a discounted price inside the program. All one-on-one support is at an additional cost.

Check Out Our Success Stories from our Make A Baby Headquarters Alumni!

Failed IUI, PCOS, and Womb Blockages to Pregnant with A Baby Girl 

Meet Christina!

3 Pregnancy Losses, PCOS, and 9 Years of Infertility to Weeks Pregnant

Meet Belkys!

From Miscarriage, Endometriosis, & Failed IUIs to Miracle Reiki Baby 

Meet Marianne and Jenni!

Pattern of Miscarriages to Getting Pregnant Naturally On First Attempt

Meet LeAnna!

Meet Your Reiki Womb Healer!

Hi! I am Carolina. I am the founder & Womb Healer of the Make A Baby Membership and Make A Baby Headquarters. I have personally coached and healed many women, helping bring over 100 Reiki babies into the world. 

As a newlywed, I struggled with infertility and was told by my doctors everything was fine and just needed to "relax". I was devastated each month when my period came. In the same week my therapist and trusted psychic recommended that I get Reiki to open and align my chakras. I received Reiki the next week and the next month I was testing positive for my pregnancy of my son, Ollie. 

 As a woman who witnessed her mother not have access to quality healing resources, I don't believe in gatekeeping of knowledge or healing. I believe ALL women deserve to conceive their babies if they choose to. That is why I created the Make A Baby Headquarters giving women like you access to the highest quality Reiki healing for fertility. Now we have over 95 Reiki babies in the world!

Listen to Our Make A Baby Headquarters Alumni!